Sunday, November 3, 2013

Cranial Circumference

Hey everyone, 

I hope you're not getting big heads from the excellent exam scores you received during our slope unit. Now we're going to learn about circumference of a circle, and your noggin! The circumference of your head is used to determine your hat size according to the chart below. 

I want you all to determine your hat sizes and come to class prepared to solve this problem algebraically, after a little instruction of course. 

See you all in class tomorrow!


  1. Sally, I am interested in where you plan on using this data in class? Is it regression or something to do with circles? I also wonder if students will have tape measures or someone to read the measurement to them. I myself have neither of those things and am very hesitant to ask anyone to do this (they might think I'm crazy). I think this might work better as an in class activity for a project; something dealing with regressions to see if, say foot size, and cranium circumference are related. Great idea thought!
    -Jonathan Schillace

  2. SALLY SUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think this lesson is made from what the best ones are made from: related material to the students. Instead of the abstractness of math every day, there is now some real events that students can relate their work to.
